Highlight from the bookshelf
In the past months, I focused on developing new behaviours and skills, and as part of the journey I have read some great books. These books helped me navigating topics such as; hiring, coaching, developing team values, and much more.
Who: the A method for hiring
To help the company hire new UX designers, I decided to contribute to the hiring process. While searching and interviewing new candidates, I quickly realised that there was a lot to learn about hiring, furtonately Who: the A method for Hiring was helping me along the way. Here are the highlights from the book on Goodreads.

The Employee Experience
Retaining talents is a real challenge, and it is easier said than done. I wanted to explore the topic and learn more about what makes people stay. The Employee Experience made me think, questioned, and worked on processes impacting to the employee experience. Here are the highlights from the book on Goodreads.

Bury My Heart at Conference Room B
I finally took the time to identify my own values, and I also took the time to workshop our team values. Bury My Heart at Conference Room B is packed with great exercices. Here are the highlights from the book on Goodreads.

Effective Modern Coaching
I recently learnt that to help designer grow, there will be more than mentoring, giving training, identifying areas for growth. Coaching is also essential to the process, it is a skill that takes years to develop but a useful one to know about and continuously improve. To help me improve my understanding of coaching I read Effective Modern Coaching.

Turn The Ship Around
This is exactly what part of my daily work is all about at the moment; helping turning a company around. It is not an easy mission, because it is filled with traps, uncertainties and learnings. Turn The Ship Around is an excellent book filled with wisdom from a Navy Officer that transformed the worse performing submarines into a great place to work.

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